Friday, January 13, 2006

Perverted Justice

Say your are a Judge. Before you is a case of child molestation. The facts show that the 34 year old sex offender had a 4 years of sexual contact with the child starting when the child was only six years old. The case proceeds and the 34 year old male is convicted. What kind of punishment or sentence do you think this pervert needs?

Well according to Vermont judge, Edward Cashman, 60 days in the sex offender treatment program. What the fuck! However, it gets better. You see the dishonorable Cashman believed due to the 34 year old man's intelligence and the fact that omnipotent Vermont Corrections Department believes he is unlikely to commit another sexual offense, that treatment is a better course of action than punishment.

My question to Cashman is this...if you murder your wife in a fit of rage over infidelity, should you be sentenced to prison or anger management? I mean obviously you unlikely to kill again considering your wife can no longer cheat on you. Huh, yeah that does quite makes sense either.

In A Word's quick 30 day judicial correspondence course on sexual molestation crimes calls for a minimum of 4 years in jail to coincide with the four years of abuse. From that point, we start adding years for the age of the victim, the emotional trauma the victim must endure the rest of his/her life, and a general scumbag penalty just for the sheer fun of torturing him.

In A Word also believes in a progressive style of punishment. Over the course of the next 5-6 years we enroll the victim in an intense program which includes martial arts training. We teach him or her how to shoot a gun and gut a bear with a Bowie knife. We also throw in a nice strength building regime. Then, when the victim turns 18, we arm him or her with a gun and a really big knife and leave them alone in a room with the restrained pervert.

Then we wait...

If the victim decides to grant forgiveness on the scumbag then we can start the process of parole. However, if by some chance the victim has 15 bullet holes and is strung up from the rafters like some Hannibal Lecter work of art, then we merely dispose of the corpse and never speak of the incident again.

In A Word is fully aware this style of punishment may seem too lax, but rest assured it can be tweaked to achieve maximum pain and anguish.

Side Note: for further outrage on sexual predators please visit the Perverted Justice website. And just remember don't take your anger out on the computer didn't do anything wrong.

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