Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Harry Belafonte Has Chosen The Sword He Wishes To Die On

Harry Belafonte just doesn't know when to shut up: [quotes taken from a interview between Belafonte and Wolf Blitzer]
BLITZER: The new Gestapo. You know, those are powerful words, calling an agency of the U.S. government, the Department of Homeland Security with, what, about 300,000 federal employees, the new Gestapo. Do you want to take that back?

BELAFONTE: No, not really. I stand by my remarks. I am very much aware of what this has provoked in our national community. And I welcome the opportunity for us to begin to have a dialogue that goes other than where we've been having one up until now. People feel that I talk in extremes. But if you look at what's happening to American citizens, a lot is going on in the extreme.
We've taken citizens from this country without the right to be charged, without being told what they're taken for, we've spirited them out of this country, taken them to far away places and reports come back with some consistency that they are being tortured, that they're not being told what they've done. And even some who have been released have come back and testified to this fact.

BLITZER: But let me interrupt for a second. Are you familiar -- and I'm sure you are, because you're an intelligent man -- what the Gestapo did to the Jews in World War II?

BELAFONTE: Absolutely.
So, let me get this straight, Belafonte "absolutely" understands what the Gestapo did to the Jews in World War II, but yet he still believes the Department of Homeland Security to be the modern day version on it.


And the reason the Department of Homeland Security hasn't made Mr. Belafonte "disappear" the way the Gestapo made Jew citizens just "disappear" is because they are really big fans of the "Banana Boat Song?"

I believe Harry has, in fact, proven himself wrong by still being able to practice freedom of speech while running around our country and other countries openly criticizing America and our current President. Strangely enough, I am don't recall reading very much about those who opposed Hitler and the Gestapo...oh right...that's because they were killed. But, then again, maybe I don't "absolutely" understand the Gestapo quite like Mr. Belafonte.

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