Sunday, January 22, 2006

Holy Over-Reaction, Batman!

The liberal "wingnutosphere is having vapors" over Chris Matthews comparing Michael Moore to Osama Bin Laden.

Why does everyone keep picking on Michael? Stop it! Stop it! Don't make me hold my breathe and stomp my feet.

Ever notice how every time someone on the right puts their foot in their month, the left starts screaming for heads to roll and the need for apologies? However, whenever one of their "people" says something asinine like...I don't know...I am thinking off the top of my head here..."the House of Representatives is being run like a plantation" they label it has healthy political discourse.

The liberal left is so blinded by their hysterical rhetoric that they are unable to see their own...say it with me Democrats...

H - Y - P - O - C - R - A - S - Y

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