Saturday, January 14, 2006

Iowa Road Trip 1.14.2006

Time for the lazy blogger's favorite type of post...steal quotes from other blogs and present them on my blog. It is a brainless activity that is right up my alley...

Mainstream Iowan: What Is The Abramoff Tom Harkin Connection.
The National Republican Senatorial Committee said Wednesday that 40 of 45 members of the Senate Democrat Caucus have taken money from lobbyist Jack Abramoff, his associates and Indian tribe clients.

Among those named by the NRSC as the worst examples of "Democrat hypocrisy" for taking money from Abramoff and his associates are: Sen. Byron Dorgan, (D-N.D.) who received at least $79,300; Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), who received at least $45,750;
Of course, what the Mainstream Iowan doesn't understand [sarcasm] is that is fine to take money from Abramoff [according to Democrat logic] as long as it is funneled through another source or comes directly from the parties Abramoff represents. The post on Mainstream Iowan also has nice list of other Democrats that have "taken" money from Abramoff.

Tusk & Talon: Blogger Bash

Last summer, we tasked Joe from the Roth CPA Tax Update with hosting the next blogger bash.

And Joe has come through. He's just announced the date, time, and location of the next blogger bash.

Date: Saturday, February 4, 2006
Location: Raccoon River Brewing Company in downtown Des Moines.
Time: Approximately 7:00 PM.

Be there or be square.
It would be fun to put a face to some of the blogs I frequent. However, I feel like I would be the illegitimate stepchild among people that actually know what they are doing. I am on the fence as to whether or not to attend.

Iowa Voice: Liberal Blogs Sayings Alito's Wife Faked Crying
Nothing is genuine to these people....except their "compassion" to the downtrodden, of course.
I wrote a piece about liberal blogs saying Alito's wife faked her crying during some down time at work. The irony is I had no way of knowing whether or not the liberal blogs were actually talking about Alito's wife or not [as I had no access to the internet]. Turns out I was right. The left is so sad and predictable. Someday I hope they share their knowledge on how to know what is "genuine" and what is fake when it comes to people's emotions. Oh wait, I think I got it figured out... it is real if the people are Democrats and fake if they are Republicans.

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