Thursday, January 26, 2006

Breaking News: New York Times Urges Filibuster For Alito Confirmation. In Other News The World Is Still Found To Be Round

The New York Time's is calling for a filibuster on the nomination of Justice Samuel Alito to a lifetime position on the US Supreme Court. When did the process of choosing a new judge revolve around the single issue of Roe Vs. Wade?

The myopic liberals would have you believe the single most pressing legal issue facing this country is keeping abortion legal. The Time's even whines about Alito supporting the law of the land:
At the Judiciary Committee hearings, the judge followed the well-worn path to confirmation, which has the nominee offer up only the most boring statements and unarguable truisms: the president is not above the law; diversity in college student bodies is a good thing.
Ah yes, the "boring statements" of truth. Why we would want Alito to focus on the truth is beyond my comprehension. Lie, lie, I always say. Oh, wait, I don't really say that at all. Don't forget this is the same paper that supported Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her prostitution is a consensual act between two adults [or three depanding on how your barn door swings] and how bigamy is constitutional.

In the entire proceedings leading up to the confirmation of Alito, there has been no proof that he will work outside the context of the Constitution. In fact, if anything, Alito believes in a strict interpretation of the Constitution. You know the one where the founding fathers never mentioned abortion. Of course, having a Supreme Court justice that follows the letter of the law is bad...especially if it contradicts your political agenda.

Let me state right now, if the Democrats decide to filibuster Alito and somehow win, Bush should give them an even more conservative judge with his next nominee:

"You don't like Alito, how about this nominee who has shown to be extremely conservative. Oh, and if you don't like that nominee I have gotten about a hundred more judges that are more conservative than him just wanting for the chance at a seat on the Supreme Court. I can keep this up as long as you would like..."

Republicans showed a great ability to compromise on Ruth Vader Ginsburg, it now time for the Democrats to yield to the will of the American people who voted the conservative party into power and approve Alito's seat on the high court.

Oh, yeah and don't throw any public opinion polls at me about how a majority of people surveyed in a Gallop poll say they are for abortion rights. The only poll I care about is the one where we went into a little booth to cast our votes.

May I direct the Democrats to the political scoreboard:

White House: Republican
House of Representatives: Republican
Senate: Republican

Shut up and vote. The country doesn't need another filibuster where Ted Kennedy stands around and talks about nothing for hours on end...I already get that everyday from the DNC.

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