Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Happy Abortion Day To You and Your Dead Fetus

***I pull very few punches, so if you have strong feelings on abortion might I suggest skipping this post***

Used to be that when you would have unprotected sex and get yourself knocked up you would have to go through the whole abortion process without any support. Not today! A non-profit organization out of San Francisco has beaten Hallmark to the punch by issuing happy abortion cards.

Corn Beltway Boys' sources have secured a few early proofs of the upcoming abortion cards and I present them to you:

  • You got laid and knock up, but all I got you was this lousy card
  • While your baby circles and heads down the drain, I just wanted to let you know you're still my favorite slut
  • 10 Beers: $22.5, 1 Unused Condom: $2.25, never having to face your responsibilities: Priceless.
  • Lordy, Lordy, Look Who's Whorey
  • Thinking of your uterus
  • Sorry, but this card is just like you...Late.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you think that 1 condom costs $2.25 then you must not get laid very often, which explains why you're so jealous.