Monday, March 05, 2007


The whole affair surrounding Ann Coulter outing John Edwards has reached the point of hilarity for me. Liberal blogs are losing what was left of their collective mind, demanding that almost every conservative denounce Coulter. You know what? Fuck that. How about reaching down and seeing if you have a pair, rather than expecting everyone else to be their brother's keeper.

The problem with Democrats is that they are their own worst enemy. The more they whine and complain about Coulter the more press and exposure she gets. Both of those things translate into increased royalty sales for Coulter. As usual liberal don't understand capitalism.

Stupidity abounds:
From iPol: The "F" Word

But the question that must be asked is, why isn’t every Republican candidate – heck, every Republican, period – denouncing Coulter’s hateful words?
Do you realize how much of a waste of time it is to comment on every nut job in America? Hell, if politicians had to take time out of their day to publicly rebuke every fool with a microphone there would be little time for anything else. Wait...on second thought...maybe this is a good idea. Anything to keep politicians too busy to spend my tax dollars is a good thing.

And oh the irony. Lets not forget the Bill Maher has been on record saying that if VP Dick Cheney's assassination had been successful less people would die. Everyday people like Rosie O'Donnell call the Bush administration "liars and murderers," however for some reason this doesn't upset the fragile sensibilities of liberals. I can hear the leftist excuses already: "well if it's true it's not slander."

The outrage over Coulter's comments leaves little doubt in my mind that myopia clouds every liberal's actions.

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