Friday, March 30, 2007

NEWS FLASH: Rudy Giuliani Solely Responsible For 9/11 Firefighter Deaths

From the Washington Post:
Giuliani, the leader in polls of Republican voters for his party's nomination, has been faulted on two major issues:

_ His administration's failure to provide the World Trade Center's first responders with adequate radios, a long-standing complaint from relatives of the firefighters killed when the twin towers collapsed. The Sept. 11 Commission noted the firefighters at the World Trade Center were using the same ineffective radios employed by the first responders to the 1993 terrorist attack on the trade center.

Regenhard, at a 2004 commission hearing in Manhattan, screamed at Giuliani, "My son was murdered because of your incompetence!" The hearing was a perfect example of the 9/11 duality: Commission members universally praised Giuliani at the same event.

_ A November 2001 decision to step up removal of the massive rubble pile at ground zero. The firefighters were angered when the then-mayor reduced their numbers among the group searching for remains of their lost "brothers," focusing instead on what they derided as a "scoop and dump" approach. Giuliani agreed to increase the number of firefighters at ground zero just days after ordering the cutback.

More than 5 1/2 years later, body parts are still turning up in the trade center site.
Everyone knows that Mayors are like dictators and apparently New York City doesn't have any sort of city council. I don't want to start any conspiracy theories, but maybe Rudy and Bush plotted 9/11 for political gain.

Hear me out...hear me out...

Bush and Giuliani meet and discuss how they need a catastrophic event so Bush can invade Iraq, but also provide a situation where Giuliani can show great leadership to use a springboard to succeed Bush as President. Bush promises to handle all the details, save one...Giuliani is to provide inadequate radios to the NYC firefighters.

It so brilliant in its' simplicity.

But they didn't account for one detail...unions.

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