Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Fair and Balanced



I opened up The Socialist's Handbook [you probably know it by the name: Des Moines Register] and there were editorials praising Hillary's aged to perfection 14 year old health care program. In all fairness though, ABC's Good Morning America did say that Clinton's health care proposal in 1992 was "ahead of it's time." Of course, you must understand that if you give one candidate press, it's important that you give equal time to their opponents. Hench a beautiful and glowing assessment of Barack Obama. The man is a damn rock star, don't believe me ask anyone in the press.

Alas, someday hopefully a Republican candidate will enter the Presidential race so we read the press coverage about them too.*

* The reader is asked to assume that Jeremie used heavy amounts of sarcasm when writing this post. Not much thought or grammar, but lots of sarcasm.

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