Monday, February 26, 2007

Impeachment Off The Table For Clinton Unless, Of Course, It Refers To Bush

Hillary Clinton proclaimed discussions about her husband's impeachment hearing officially 'off limits' during the campaign:
"In the end, voters will decide what's off-limits, but I can't imagine that the public will reward the politics of personal destruction," senior Clinton adviser Howard Wolfson said Friday, when asked whether the impeachment is fair game for Clinton's opponents.
When it comes to 'personal destruction' that's a job the Clintons would like retain for themselves.
Apparently it is fine to have Bill campaign for her, but American public is only to focus on all the great things he did. All three of those things. The Clinton campaign also reminds opponents and the press that the following items are also off limits: commenting on Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinski, Kathleen Willey, Troopergate, Vince Foster, Waterwater, 11 hour pardons, not capturing Bin Laden, and perjury.

In related news, Senator Kennedy announced the death of Mary Jo Kopechne 'off limits,' Sen. Byrd announced his involvement in the Klu Klux Klan 'off limits,' Rep. William Jefferson said there will be no further comment on bundles of cash stashed in the freezer, and Sen. Barack Obama said inquires into his complete lack of experience for the Presidency is absolutely off the table...

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