Friday, April 13, 2007

Rudy In Da Hizzle...Almost My Hizzle

On Tuesday morning I received a phone call from the Rudy Giuliani campaign asking if I would be interested in hosting a meet and greet event at my house. While trying to keep my voice from cracking with excitement like a teenage boy, I said yes. Hell, yes...I would be honored. Unfortunately things changed and instead of coming to Waukee, the Mayor is going to Grimes.

Almost famous...

The bright side to all of this is that I still get to invite about 10 ten people to come with me to Grimes and meeting Rudy. To say I am excited would be an understatement. However, I am trying to mute that excitement until I actually meet him, because like I just said...things change.

The campaign staff told me that they would like to still use my house for a future meeting, but I suspect that is similar to me telling someone "I'll keep your resume on file." There's always hope, right? Heck, I would even be honored if Bill Clinton wanted to visit my house, of course I would have to change the bed sheets when he left.

When Rudy campaign staffer, Tony Delgado, first asked me if I was interested in hosting the Mayor I asked him if he was aware I could only vote once? I mean usually things like this require a little quid pro quo. Sure I could probably disenfranchise a few voters, but would the Rudy campaign still come out ahead?

In the end I consider it Rudy and his staffers' loss that they aren't coming to my house...I was going to let they play my Nintendo Wii. Heck I might have even thrown a game of Wii Tennis just to make Giuliani feel good. On second thought, who the heck I am kidding? I'll support and vote for Rudy, but I would kick his butt in Wii Sports...

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