Monday, April 16, 2007

Do I As I Say

Hypocrisy. F-ing liberal hypocrisy.

Michael Moore takes a group of 9/11 first responders to Cuba for medical treatment. A fine and noble move if it was purely for the betterment of the men's health instead of a whoring political stunt to promote his newest "documentary." Alright liberal Democrats, I am officially waiting for your condemnation of Moore as you are now on the clock. Bush ran campaign ads depicting his leadership during September 11th and the backlash was instantaneous. Rudy Giuliani is running for the Presidency and people are constantly asking whether it's morally right to use the backdrop of 9/11 in a political campaign. While Bush and Giuliani were thrust into 9/11 not by choice but by their leadership roles, Moore's only connection to 9/11 is one of profit. Where's the outrage from the left? Where? Damn it where?

Don Imus is a dumb ass, out of work bigot. He has been a bigot for years, he just happens to be out of work now. Every liberal candidate ran to the nearest microphone and talk show to get their opinion of Imus out to the masses. Hell, Hillary was even suppose to speak at Rutgers University to help the healing process through fund raising. Typical. However, where's the backlash to rap music? Hillary just held a supper for campaign donors with entertainment supplied by rapper, Timbaland. You want more "hos" and a "niggas" than a lifetime of Imus bad, tasteless jokes? Then pop in a Timbaland CD. It's all good of course as long as he's writes you a check for your Presidential campaign run. Apparently Clinton's conscious can be bought for a few thousand dollars. But then we already knew that...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not all us liberals like Moore. I think his 9/11 movie was an embarrassment. He could have made his point excellently about Bush, et al, without referring to conspiracy theories and without being sensationalistic.

I like objectivity and truth in reporting.

Regarding Imus: two wrongs don't make a right. What he said with regard to those women was unconscionable. That doesn't automatically mean all liberals haven't noticed that people like Sharpton are hypocrites.

why can't people disagree without being vituperative. How do you solve problems and create a dialogue in this country that helps it to work better when the attitude is pick apart the other side as much as you can. You're bound to be hypocritical on some level when you do.