Friday, September 29, 2006

I Was Once Like...You Know...Kinda Cool

I don't know when it happened, but it has become abundantly clear that I am no longer "cool." I am not saying I ever hung with the hip "in" crowd, but I used to have this "air" about me that radiated a certain cooliness. But, alas even that faint wisp of keen-o-neatness has apparently left me. Please observe my activities from last night:
  • Went home from work and checked my blog traffic and inbox. I got more spam than hits and emails.
  • Changed a poopy diaper and made words that I should have stopped saying 32 years ago to get my six month old son to smile his toothless grin at me.
  • Watched Throwdown with Bobby Flay on the Food Channel.
I have succumbed to watching the culinary version of the WWF between two men trying to make the best clam cowder? For crying out loud man, they were trashing talking over a spatula! And the worst part? I am laughing and enjoying myself. Oh, the humanity...

Is this what my life must become...another Jaques?

God, why have you forsaken me?

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