Wednesday, September 13, 2006


While I usually try to follow a no cuss word rule on my blog, with the exception of an occasional outburst, today I am taking the filters off. If the words of a drunken sailor just returning to port after 6 months on the open seas offends you, skip this post. Also, please note this is not going to be a well thought out post, but this is my blog and I needed a release. This is off the cuff and raw [for me] take it for what it's worth...

I have fucking had it with the way the Democrats cry politics every time President Bush uses the member of 9/11 to justify his policies and decisions.
"This was a political move, designed to tap the overwhelming public sentiment to destroy al-Qaida as a way to bolster sagging public support for the war in Iraq." Harry Reid, Dumbass Senator from Nevada.
Well fuck Harry, God forbid we "tap the public sentiment to destroy al-Qaida." If I read Harry's comments correctly, am I to understand he believes Bush doesn't want to actually defeat al-Quaida, just use the images and ghosts of 9/11 to bolster some worthless public opinion polls that the Democratic party whores themselves to each day? Get a fucking clue. Jesus, the President says we need to destroy al-Qaida and the Democrats have a tizzy fit.
"There has been a complete absence of balance in the news coverage of national security issues," they wrote." Knob Nancy Pelosi in a letter sent out of media channels.
Hey Nancy, maybe if you had a plan that went a tad deeper than "pull out of Iraq by December" then maybe we could get some "balance."
"It is long past time for Republicans to be honest with American people and stop questioning the patriotism of those who recognize that the president's Iraq policy has not worked, is making us less safe and must be changed." Nancy Pelosi again
Less safe? Did I miss something in the last five years? Was there another terrorist attack on America soil that I missed? No? Then fucking prove it Nancy. Fucking prove we are less safe. Just because there are terrorist attacks in Iraq doesn't mean we are less safe here in America. Maybe Nancy could trot out the old "Arabs hate America even more now since we invaded Iraq." Hate us more than using airplanes as missiles to kill 3,000 people? Give me a fucking break.
"Rather than try to defend their own failed record, Republicans have resorted to the desperation politics of fear." wow Pelosi again, it seems she can spin this shit all day.
Ah, the old "politics of fear." Of course, it isn't fear when the Democrats say we "are less safe today." Nooooooo. Just so we are clear, when the Democrats start claiming Bush is politicizing 9/11 they are ironically doing the same thing.

And so concludes my rambling post for the day.

Until later let me add this one last comment to the Democratic party:

"Shut the fuck up." Just because the cameras are on and the microphones are live doesn't mean your pie hole has to be open and bashing the President. Think before you speak.

Of course, one should think before they blog too...

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